Monday, December 13, 2010

5 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy and Productive

1.  Enjoy what you are doing

This is the first and foremost most important way to stay productive and happy.  If you find yourself exploring thoughts or challenges that developed at work (in a healthy manner, not akin to always bringing home work) then you are doing well.

Over the years I have been able to easily single out people who:

  • lack enthusiasm for what they are trying to accomplish, or
  • consistently underperform their expectations and stagnate their careers.

This has become strikingly apparent among former coworkers of mine, who were working only for their paycheck.  Perhaps you have seen this yourself at your local coffee shop or big box retail store; associates who clearly do not enjoy what they are doing.  Sometimes you have to find enjoyment in the menial, yet necessary tasks of daily work.

2.  Find a way to challenge yourself

Analogous to enjoyment, challenges are what define a career path instead of ‘just a job’.  This can be better said as:

‘If you aren’t learning, why even bother coming to work?’

By challenging yourself at work you are helping yourself in many ways:

  • helping with your enjoyment.  Studies have correlated 'challenging' work environments with promoting better performance, and often better paid positions
  • demonstrating to management that you are a candidate for advancement, as well as strengthening an argument for a pay raise
  • finding enjoyment in what you do

3. Exercise

30 minutes a day, 4 days a week.  When you think about this you have 168 hours in a week, and spending 2 of them exercising is around 1.2% of your time.  This is probably less time than you spend commuting to work

Personally I prefer to ride a stationary cycle with my headphones and ebook reader.

There are some non-conventional in-home exercise techniques that have generated a lot of internet buzz:

Exercise can also be as simple as a walk around the block, it does not have to be striving to meet Tony Horton's level of fitness.

Please talk to your doctor before spontaneously beginning a rigorous exercise program.

4. Wake up early

The internet is awash with suggestions on how to wake up early:

  • get a pet
  • do yoga
  • become more spiritual
  • consume less caffeine

I do not have such lofty expectations.

For me, the easiest way to wake up early is to put an alarm clock in another room which forces me to turn on the light when it goes off.  This also helps to keep me from jumping right back in bed.

I highly recommend "Clocky" as an effective alarm clock.  (Note: It is really loud and sounds as described by one owner "R2D2 on crack")

Rising early won't work 100% of the time, some lapses are to be expected.  Stick with it and you will have an extra hour or two in the morning to exercise or get into work early :)

5. Smaller, healthier meals

Aim for a balanced meal most of the time.  Personally, I enjoy a good In-N-Out burger every once in a while and am a sucker for good pizza.  The US government provides dietary guidelines in more than one place but it is easy to get lost in the mountainous texts.

I try to adhere to a few guidelines:

  • more vegetables, less sauce
  • whole grain whenever possible
  • less red meat
  • only a little cheese
  • fruits, fruits, fruits
  • cut back on sodas
    • From US Dietary Guidelines: "Beverages also contribute substantially to overall dietary and energy intake. Although they provide needed fluid, beverages often add calories to the diet without providing nutrient"

Do what you can, and remember you may even live longer :)

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